Better Incubation is a project by LIAISE

Better Incubation at the SEED Capacity Building Webinar on Social Entrepreneurship

WEBINAR | “Social entrepreneurship: insight on its development, multiple nature and false friends” on the 24th of January, 12.30 CET.

The Webinar is organized by Università di Bologna in collaboration with: ART-ERBetter IncubationFa’ la cosa giusta, Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Inkubator Sežana, Politecnico di Torino.

The field of social entrepreneurship is various and complex. It includes multiple actors and it’s developing more and more. The webinar aims to give insights on this field, presenting recent research data about Europe and Italy. The data helps to depict a clearer situation, even if social entrepreneurship is still growing and constantly changing. After the first introductory contribution, the webinar focuses on specific cases and approaches which favour the development of social entrepreneurship. Specific approach to sustain social entrepreneurship are presented, such as the tight partnership of a public actor with social entrepreneurs and incubators, and policy recommendations on how to sustain inclusive incubation.

Afterwards, Italian and European actual cases of social enterprises are described and commented, in order to share with participants potentialities and criticalities of social entrepreneurship.


​Introduction by Unibo

Social entrepreneurship and social ecosystems – Paolo Landoni, Politecnico di Torino

Key regional stakeholders for social innovation and social entrepreneurship – Kristian Mancinone, Art-ER, Chiara Davalli, EBN / Better Incubation


• FabriQ (Italy) – Deborah Greco, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

• Inkubator Sežana (Slovenia) – Dorijan Marsic, Director of Incubator Sezana

• Case to be defined – Zoe McDonagh, Fondazione CRT,

• Si parte dal Bosco (Italy) – Piero Brunod, Fa la cosa giusta Network

Q&A: check on Miro blackboard whether participants interact and read out loud what they wrote + open the discussion in the call for questions and comments.

Register to the event

Better Incubation Switch Pitch Series 2022 | recordings are available online!

Did you miss the Better Incubation Switch Pitch Series?

Don’t worry! Recordings are now available online!

The series facilitated informal conversations between a diverse range of investors for impact and business support organisations with regards to pipeline building.

Switch Pitch with Seed Capital Bizkaia & Ship2B

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Oscar Ugarte Gamboa, Seed Capital Bizkaia, and Xavier Pont Martin, Ship2B, explain how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.

Switch Pitch with Cartier Women’s Initiative

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Wingee Sampaio, Cartier Women’s Initiative, explained how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.


Switch Pitch with Feelsgood Capital and Portus Buda Group FMC

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Renata Brkic, FeelsGood Capital, and Elemér Eszter, Portus Buda Group FMC, explained how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.

Switch Pitch with World Startup

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Jan Verkooijen, World Startup, explained how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.

Switch Pitch with INCO

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Jean Michel Lecuyer, INCO, explained how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.

Switch Pitch with FASE

In this episode of the Switch Pitch Series, Markus Freiburg, FASE, explain how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses.

Memories from the 2022 EBN Techcamp powered by Better Incubation “Untapped Innovation Potential” | watch the event video now!

One of the best memories of this year is linked to one of the flagship events organised by Better Incubation in 2022: the 2022 EBN Techcamp Powered by Better Incubation “Get ready for the future of innovation – Untapped innovation potential”.

Back in October, over 80 international business support experts, thought leaders, and innovation practitioners gathered in Lipica, Slovenia, to explore the European innovation ecosystem’s untapped potential in becoming more inclusive and diverse and how to re-strategize, upskill and expand business support services to service a new generation of impactful start-ups. It was co-hosted by EU|BIC Inkubator Sežana and was powered by Better Incubation, a project funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

Here is a 3-minute video to take us back to those incredible days of networking and peer learning around impact driven and inclusive incubation practices, tools and strategies. Enjoy!

Don’t forget that you can still access all experts’ presentations and watch the event pictures here.


The last issue of Better Incubation Newsletter is out!

The eighth and last issue of the Better Incubation Newsletter is now available online. In this issue:

  • Better Incubation final event at EVPA Annual Conference 2022
  • Better Incubation latest publications: the Better Incubation Roadmap, the Insights Paper, and the Final Policy Recommendations – including the 15 regional manifestos summarising the key outcomes of the regional policy workshops that took place in September and October 2022 in 14 European countries.
  • Better Incubation highlights for the 5 target groups of underrepresented entrepreneurs: factsheets, videos and training modules.

Find out more information about Better Incubation news by reading the newsletter here: Better Incubation Newsletter 8_December 2022

Better Incubation Policy Recommendations are out!

The European Action Plan Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy” (2021-2030) launched by the European Commission recognises the importance that the mainstream BSOs have in the support of social economy entities (p.14):

The Commission calls on Member States to encourage mainstream business incubators to extend their support to social economy entities, to improve business investment readiness support opportunities. The ‘Better Incubator’ pilot launched by the European Commission can serve as inspiration.

The final objective of Better Incubation is to kick-start an “eco-systemic” change by bringing incubation and business support services closer to society and contributing to societal needs through entrepreneurship and self-employment based on job creation, skills development, and provision of opportunities for unemployed and vulnerable people to fully participate in the society and economy.

To achieve this goal, BSOs are called to act in synergy with the wider entrepreneurial ecosystem, as individual business incubators are not going to be able to change the culture and institutional practices around social and inclusive entrepreneurship alone.

Besides focusing on the internal capacities of BSOs, the Better Incubation project approach is also outward-looking to the wider ecosystem, considering broader cultural and institutional change needed to meet the objectives stated above.

This report presents the key findings resulting from the work carried out by the Better Incubation Consortium over the last 2 years and involving several European stakeholders in a series of learning, experimentation, and reflection activities on the role mainstream BSOs can play in better promoting and supporting social and inclusive entrepreneurship in Europe and beyond.

Download it here: D2.3_Better Incubation_Policy Recommendations_Edit

Based on the insights from the preliminary research on existing inclusive incubation practices, the learnings from the 21 Better Incubation pilots, offering incubation services to more than 130 entrepreneurs/would-be entrepreneurs in 19 EaSI countries, and the existing recommendations in the Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool and EU policies, CoPs elaborated policy recommendations.

Better Incubation Policy Recommendations were validated and enriched during 15 regional policy workshops that involved more than 260 stakeholders in 14 European countries. These discussions resulted in 15 regional policy manifestos highlighting regional priorities and steps needed to better promote and support social and inclusive entrepreneurship in those territories and ecosystems. These are available at the end of this document.

Following an in depth discussion with the Better Incubation Advisory Board members (ENSIE, Cooperatives Europe, Caritas Europa, EMES), a final validation was performed in Brussels on December 2nd, 2022, during the Better Incubation EU Policy Workshop, that saw the active participation of 22 stakeholders representing European policy makers, researchers, regional and national public authorities, investors, incubators, entrepreneurs, social actors, and non-governmental organisations contributing to the European social and inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem.

We are now glad to release the Better Incubation Policy Recommendations, a set of reflections and ideas aimed at providing some inspiration for BSOs and other stakeholders to work together towards a more inclusive and impact-driven entrepreneurship ecosystem across Europe.

We recommend reading the Better Incubation key publications to get more details about these findings and the background information informing these final recommendations:

A Network of Networks fostering inclusion and accelerating impact in the European entrepreneurial ecosystem(s)

Capacity Building. Perspectives. Networks.

During the closing session of the final event of Better Incubation at the EVPA Annual Conference 2022, we asked the Better Incubation project managers of IHUB, EVPA and EBN to summarise their project experience in one word.

Lucia Radu, IHUB, highlighted the intense capacity building programme offered by Better Incubation through the Communities of Practice and the online Training Courses on Social Entrepreneurship, Inclusive Etrepreneurship and Impact Management and Measurement. More than a training opportunity, rather a dedicated space for BSOs to learn from peers and other relevant stakeholders committed to promote and support entrepreneurship as an opportunity for all in society – especially among the so-called Underrepresented and Vulnerable Groups.

Valeria Balzarini, EVPA, used the word perspective to explain how EVPA and its members used the Better Incubation project to rethink their approach to Underrepresented Entrepreneurs (UREs), this by connecting and working with BSOs and UREs directly.

Chiara Davalli, EBN, stressed the importance of Networks, of a Network of Networks like Better Incubation to achieve so many important results over a relatively short period of 2 years, where more than 133 entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs from URGs received incubation programmes from 21 organisations in 14 European countries. EBN, IHUB and EVPA, with the support and advice of Caritas Europa, ENSIE, EMES, Cooperatives Europe, managed to mobilise the European entrepreneurial ecosystem thanks to the active engagement of their members (EU|BICs, Impact Hubs and invesotrs for impact) who took this opportunity to rethink their programmes, their organisations and their ecosystems in a more inclusive and impact-driven way.

The event started in the morning with an EU Policy Workshop aimed at sharing and validating Better Incubation Policy Recommendations with policymakers, researchers, BSOs, investors for impact, regional development agencies, national agencies for social innovation and pan-European networks like Eurocities and Euclid. An interactive workshop where 25+ participants where asked to discuss the 6 issues identified by the project as the ones the entrepreneural ecosystem(s) in Europe need to consider and address to boost social and inclusive entrepreneurship in Europe.

Some of these policy recommendations were taken into account by Mrs Brigitte Fellahi-Brugneau, Head of Unit at DG Employment,  that during the afternoon session shared some reflections from the policymakers’ point of view on how Better Incubation contributed to promote and support social and inclusive entrepreneurship in Europe, by leveraging the knowledge, the competencies, the networks of mainstream business support organisations.

Then it was the turn of the Directors and Managers representing EVPA, IHUB and EBN who shared some insights on the relevance of the Better Incubation programme for their communities.

They all agreed that as organisations, the project offered a unique opportunity to grow knowledge, tools and methodologies for BSOs and investors for impact willing to broaden their scope to social and inclusive entrepreneurship. Moreover, Better Incubation enabled the three networks to involve their members and let them cooperate directly, this leading to new partnerships, opportunities and wider impact.

The event continued with the VOICES of Better Incubation: seven “ah-ah moments” telling the stories of EU|BICs, Impact Hubs, Investors for Impact and other stakeholders involved in the project activities. Regional policy workshops’ organisers, inclusive incubation programmes managers, CoPs experts and facilitators, trainings and networking events’ participants, investors mentoring winners of the Better Incubation Contest, Scaling Impact. These the perspectives represented in this crowded and emotional panel, a conversation that showed how Better Incubation successfully managed to kick-start an ecosystemic change in the incubation ecosystem.

Last but not least, the winners of the Better Incubation Contest were on stage to share how the scaling programme of Better Incubation project is helping them understanding and moving the first steps into new markets in Europe.

Believe, dare, learn and amplify your impact without giving up! This in a nutshell their advice to would-be entrepreneurs!

It was a great conclusion of two years of intense project activities. You can still watch the Better Incubation Project Finale recordings online!

Better Incubation Project Finale|Towards a more inclusive and impact driven approach to innovative entrepreneurship

The European Action Plan Building an economy that works forpeople: an action plan for the socialeconomy “ (2021-2030) launched by the European Commission recognises the importance that the mainstream BSOs have in the support of social economy entities (p.14) :

The Commission calls on Member States to encourage mainstream business incubators to extend their support to social economy entities, to improve business investment readiness support opportunities. The ‘Better Incubator’ pilot launched by the European Commission can serve as inspiration’ .

Better Incubation aims to enhance the inclusiveness of BSOs by stimulating a wider cultural change in the incubation ecosystem, therefore involving regional and EU stakeholders (investors, policymakers, social actors, BSOs) that can contribute to this paradigm shift.

After 2 years of project activities, it is time to share key learnings on how to boost the promotion and support of impact-driven and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems in Europe and beyond.

Organised in the framework of the EVPA Annual Conference 2022,  the session “Better Incubation: Project Finale | Towards an impact-driven and inclusive approach to innovative entrepreneurship in Europe” is structured in 4 key moments:

  1. How BSOs can contribute to the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan? Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux, Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL
  2. Beyond Better Incubation – Partner Networks’ reflections on the way forward A conversation with Tatiana Glad, IHUB; Roberta Bosurgi, EVPA ; Laura Lecci, EBN
  3. “Voices of Better Incubation” We’ll hear different experiences of Better Incubation. What did the programme offer to their orgnisations, their territories and communities? What are the plans for the future?
  4. Scaling Impact. Meet the Winners of the Better Incubation Contest 2022. We’ll discover the entrepreneurial journey of the three finalists of the Better Incubation Contest 2022| Scaling Impact. Their stories, their plans, their impact

The session starts at 14.30 CET and it is going to be live streamed on Better Incubation Twitter account, LinkedIn page and EBN YouTube Channel


Room Orangerie, on the 2nd floor & Live Streaming

14:30-14:40 Welcome and introduction about Better Incubation, Chiara Davalli, EBN


How BSOs can contribute to the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan?

Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux, Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL

Beyond Better Incubation – Partner Networks’ reflections on the way forward

A conversation with Tatiana Glad, IHUB; Alessia Gianoncelli, EVPA ; Laura Lecci, EBN

15.10-15.30 “Voices of Better Incubation” moderated by Lucia Radu, Impact Hub

We’ll hear different experiences of Better Incubation. What did the programme offer to their orgnisations, their territories and communities? What are the plans for the future?

  • Francisco Pizarro, EU|BIC Fundecyt PCTEX
  • Viktoria Soregi, IHUB Budapest
  • Francesco Rocca, IHUB Lisbon
  • Hrishabh Sandilya, EPIM
  • Gerrit Jan van ‘t Veen, WorldStartup
  • Kristian Mancinone, EU|BIC Associate ART-ER
  • Nayla Attas, Impact Hub Global
15.30-15.50 Scaling Impact. Meet the Winners of the Better Incubation Contest 2022, moderated by Laura Lecci, EBN

We’ll discover the entrepreneurial journey of the three finalists of the Better Incubation Contest 2022| Scaling Impact. Their stories, their plans, their impact.

15.50-16.00 Closing session with the three partner networks


Better Incubation Newsletter #7 is out!

The seventh issue of the Better Incubation Newsletter describes the upcoming opportunities :

  • Better Incubation Scaling Programme for the 3 finalists of the Better Incubation Contest 2022
  • Innovation, impact, SDGs, and inclusivity of innovative entrepreneurs – the story of the 2022 EBN Techcamp by Better Incubation
  • Better Incubation facts and figures – key project highlights
  • Better Incubation final event at EVPA Annual Conference 2022

Find out more information about Better Incubation news by reading the newsletter here : Better Incubation Newsletter 7_November 2022

Innovation, impact, SDGs, and inclusivity of innovative entrepreneurs – the story of the 2022 EBN Techcamp by Better Incubation

Over 80 international business support experts, thought leaders, and innovation practitioners gathered in Lipica, Slovenia, for the 2022 EBN Techcamp powered by Better Incubation. Stemming from 26 different European and neighbouring countries, participants discussed the importance of diversity in entrepreneurship support.

Techcamp showcased experiences and strategies and co-developed innovation support programs to give the European innovation ecosystem a competitive advantage by embracing diversity and an impact-driven approach to supporting (tech) entrepreneurship.

It was held on the 19th and 20th of October in Lipica, Slovenia, to explore the European innovation ecosystem’s untapped potential in becoming more inclusive and diverse and how to re-strategize, upskill and expand business support services to service a new generation of impactful start-ups. It was co-hosted by EU|BIC Inkubator Sežana and was powered by Better Incubation, a project funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

Inkubator Sežana is one of our quality-certified EU|BICS who decided to join the Better Incubation project. They quickly became an example for the community by designing a successful and effective incubation support programme for hearing-impaired entrepreneurs. Their motivation and success, as well as the celebration of their 30th anniversary, are one of the sources of inspiration that brought the EBN Techcamp to Lipica.

The EBN Techcamp is the second of our yearly events and the one that most showcases methodologies, practices, techniques, and tools that the community can bring back to their country and region to better support entrepreneurial innovation. This year, our focus on impact-driven and inclusive entrepreneurship is in large part because we know the challenges the community is facing. We wanted to empower them with the tools that can bring long-lasting resolutions – by increasing the pool of entrepreneurs, diversifying the type of companies they support, and more completely investing in their region’s (sustainable and social) economic development.

Laura Lecci, CEO at EBN

As remarked by the EC and the OECD, inclusive entrepreneurship is an integral part of growth. A widespread business creation by people of all groups helps generate jobs and combat social and financial exclusion while stimulating economic growth. Evidence shows that women, youth, seniors, immigrants, and people with disabilities are often underrepresented in the entrepreneurial space and, on average, less likely to succeed in creating high-growth firms due to a lack of networks, and access to finance, and less adequate ways to gain skills needed grow a company. At the same time, social enterprises are longstanding agents of inclusive growth and have proved remarkably resilient in the face of economic adversity. By design, social enterprises address socioeconomic challenges in innovative ways and engage citizens to become part of the solution.

Over 8 parallel deep-dive sessions, the 2022 EBN Techcamp offered EU|BICs, and BSOs a space to share, debate, and test practices, methods and tools for impact-driven and inclusive entrepreneurship promotion and support. Some of them resulted from the involvement of EBN and IHUB members in 21 Better Incubation pilots that led to new inclusive incubation programmes that involved more than 130 entrepreneurs over 6 months. Tools, methods, and recommendations have been shared during the Techcamp, and are also available in the Better Incubation Toolkit, the Better Incubation Collection of Best Practices, the Inspirational Videos, and the upcoming Better Incubation Insights Paper (focus on programmatic level) and the Better Incubation Roadmap (focus on organizational level).

People sitting around tables in a workshop   Five persons sitting in a circle surrounded by people listening to their discussion

People standing at a coffee break   Five participants of the world cafè sitting at a table, discussing and writing inputs on pink post-its.

Photos by Jan Antonac from VSS Sežana

There is evidence that business incubators and business accelerators can be effective supports for new and growing businesses, and evaluations suggest similar results can be achieved in business incubators that focus on supporting entrepreneurs from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. The keys to success for these initiatives include offering strong preincubation services, building strong linkages with mainstream business support providers and investors, delivering support in flexible modules, and ensuring incubator staff is trained to support the targeted entrepreneurs.

This year’s EBN Techcamp empowered its participants to support a new generation of impactful tech start-ups – companies that are both profitable and work to improve society, operating ‘’double bottom line’’ business models – and to leverage diversity and inclusion and become relevant, competitive, and gain an advantage.

Cristina Fanjul, President of EBN

The event counted on the contribution of many local and international speakers who shared their experiences and best practices for innovation support. Speakers included: Dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić, the secretary of state at the Slovenian Ministry of Digital Transformation, and David Škabar, Mayor of Sežana, who spoke of the importance of innovation and digitalization in Slovenia for its future; Cristina Fanjul, EBN President, Dorijan Maršič, Director at Inkubator Sežana, both addressing the importance of increased inclusivity for the future of European innovation and sharing their personal experience in the subject; and Tobias Temmen, Venture Partner at Kellogg-WHU, Stanford Change Labs, Andreja Jaklič, Professor at the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Social Science, and Flora Rosenow, Global Brand Strategy & Communication for Impact expert, who lead workshops on the creation of incubation modules, guaranteeing its societal value from innovation ecosystems, and measuring and communicating its value to others – respectively.

Better Incubation is a joint initiative of EBN, Impact Hub and EVPA, funded by the European Union, to kickstart an “eco-systemic” change by bringing incubation and business support services closer to society as a whole and to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment as means to create jobs, develop skills, and give the unemployed and vulnerable an opportunity to fully participate in the economy and improve the inclusivity of our societies (

Better Incubation | Toolkit

About this Toolkit

This Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of handson tools and methodologies for business support organisations aiming to make their incubation and other business support programmes more inclusive and accessible. The Toolkit is based on the experience and exchange among members of the Communities of Practice of the Better Incubation initiative.

It invites managers and contributors to incubation and other business support services to an honest analysis of their practices and gives them tools to go beyond the usual suspects as participants in their programmes.

Being based on the experiences of the inclusive pilot programmes run within the Better Incubation framework, it is not an exhaustive list but offers itself as a starting point for all business support organisations to go beyond the status quo, i.e., mainstream entrepreneurship. This pilot has been running in many European countries: Spain, Portugal, United Kindom, France, Luxemburg, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italt, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

How to use the Toolkit

The Toolkit is organised in line with the common steps of designing and running a business support
programme. You can easily navigate these different steps below and jump directly to where you are at, or you can read from beginning to end to get a better grasp of the many facets and perspectives when it comes to inclusion and accessibility in incubation and business support. For each step, different tools are listed and you can pick out what best fits your reality.

Speaking of the steps of designing and implementing a business support programme: one important suggestion this Toolkit makes is to add step 2: Removing barriers to processes of developing and running business support programmes. Transforming your spaces and offerings to be more inclusive is not a one-time moment. It needs to happen throughout the programme cycle. However, having accessibility as a step just like “designing the programme” or “selecting participants” highlights the importance of gaining awareness about barriers that people may face in accessing programmes. This approach resonates with a wider mission of the Better Incubation project of placing incubators as catalysts in the entrepreneurship ecosystems and thus allowing them to go beyond their intermediary role.

The 5 Groups in Focus


The European business and entrepreneurship ecosystem is far from being diverse and inclusive. According to the OECD report , women were half as likely as men to be self-employed , while the share of women who started their own business only increased by 2%. This gap can be explained by deep structural imbalances against female business founders, such as lack of access to finance, low opportunity perception regarding entrepreneurship among women, lack of role models or competing demands on time, with a double burden on home and work responsibilities for women.

Migrants and Refugees

In 2020, the number of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe increased to an unprecedented 23 million . Entrepreneurship therefore represents a great opportunity for refugees and other migrants to rebuild their lives and contribute to the economy and society in their new home country. Relevant business support services can help address these challenges, but it needs to be accompanied by a change of mindset in the sector to better reflect on the real needs of migrant entrepreneurs.


Youth unemployment represents one of the major social and economic challenges in Europe, with more than 16.5% of them being unemployed in 2018 . In response to the challenges the youth encounters when searching for jobs, entrepreneurship offers an alternative pathway to economic self-sufficiency. Critical success conditions can be provided by training and incubation programmes targeted at the youth to nurture their entrepreneurial attitudes and skills.


With the ongoing demographic change and the ageing population in Europe, supporting entrepreneurial skills and becoming self-employed could be considered as innovative ways for middle-aged group workers to continue their professional activity . These include difficulties with mastering digital skills, health issues or social isolation. These demographic changes also affect business incubation support services because a new growing client group is emerging.

People with disabilities

The complexity of this group stems from the fact that disabilities are extremely diverse and are not fixed characteristic of individuals . People with disabilities face many barriers in the labour market, and employer discrimination is frequently reported.

Tools for…

  1. Desinging inclusive support programmes
    1. Empathy interviews
    2. Co-creation with organisations in the field
    3. Personas
    4. Flexible modular design
  2. Removing barriers
    1. Analyse application data
    2. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
    3. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training
  3. Scouting for and selecting diverse participants
    1. Community Mapping
    2. Channels Mapping
    3. Equity-informed selection
  4. Delivering the right programme support
    1. Needs assessement
    2. Business model basics
    3. Safer space
    4. Onion principle and confidence building
  5. Connecting participans to supportive people
    1. Intentional mentor matching
    2. Purposeful hosting
    3. Peer-to-peer support
  6. Facilitating access to capital
    1. Map funding possibilities
    2. Pitch training
    3. Offer funding
  7. Manageing impact
    1. Impact mesurement platform
    2. Exit interviews with participants
    3. Competence framework


You can find more informaton HERE



We are glad to officialy announce the winners of the Better Incubation Contest 2022 | Scaling Impact.

We received 20 applications that entered a 3 step evaluation process. Following a first screening based on eligibility criteria, 14 applications entered the second evaluation stage where each entry was assessed by two jury members.

Better Incubation Contest 2022 Scaling Impact Jury

  • Vera Egreja Barracho, Social Innovation Expert
  • Selcen Kutku, Manager and Co-Head of a|cube
  • Kelly Robin, Deputy Managing Director of PULSE
  • Flora Rosenow, Brand and Communications Strategy
  • Tobias Temmen, Managing Director of Solarpunk VC

Based on the evaluations performed individually by the jury experts, 7 semi-finalists were invited for an online interview and a final discussion among jury members took place.

At the end of the process, the following ventures were selected to benefit from the Better Incubation Scaling Programme, powered by EBN, IHUB and EVPA. Find here some informatuon about their ideas:


ARBO Technologies founded on 2021 by a group of 7 entrepreneurs based in Brno in Czech Republic. They develop analytical tools to evaluate non-forest trees. The aim is to enable them to prolong their age which maximizes the positive environmental benefits that trees bring in the cities, focused on scale-up in Europe & especially in the Netherlands.

By implementing their business idea, they are focusing on the promotion of SDGs 3, 11, 13 and 15 related to health, sustainability of cities, combating climate change and improving life in rural area. Arbo Technologies pays special attention to the preservation of the existing trees and fields in order to store as much CO2 as possible and thus generate a positive impact on the fight against climate change.

They also focus their efforts on raising awareness and educating people about the importance and the benefits of trees (as climate change affects everyone on the planet) and they are committed to prioritizing existing trees. Moreover they collect data on how effects affect trees through digitization and the use of big data & new technologies. Their latest objective is to go to Singapore and achieve more than 100 FTE around the world.


SALUBATA is a group of 4 entrepreneurs based in Paris, France founded in 2020. SALUBATA creates personalized shoes entirely from recycled material. They are reusing plastic waste from rivers, oceans, and wells which are currently blocked by tons of waste. That way they help in the improvement of life quality of the communities living in the area.

Their advantage is that their shoes are 75% cheaper compared to their direct competitors. Until now they PRODUCED just over 6000 shoes from plastic waste and they expect to be able to avoid 127.500.000 tonnes of CO2 in 5 years period. Also, 5% of every shoe’s profit goes to empower women.

They are focused on scale-up their idea along Europe thus recently they have secured an agreement with Amazon with the aim of scaling up to the 7 major European countries and reaching more than 100,000 customers in North Africa to improve the supply chain.

Lastly they focus on supporting SDGs 12 and 13 related to the circular economy and climate change, especially on fighting against plastic waste and promoting reuse.


Needs Map is a group of 17 entrepreneurs based in Istanbul, Turkey founded in 2016. Needs Map is a map-based digital platform that brings people in need together with individuals, institutions and organizations that want to support. It facilitates cooperation and solidarity through proven map technology and community-based verification function.

Needs Map focuses on poverty reduction, humanitarian assistance and disasters, related with the SDGs 1, 13. Needs Map aims to support local economic development and solve the problem of economic and social inequality at the stage of access to opportunities through humanitarian aid. It contributes to strengthening the solidarity and trusting environment among people and to revive local/global partnerships.

Needs Map aims to solve the problem of inequality and inequality of opportunity for all underserved communities and individuals in general. They have been successfully implemented and become fully operational in all regions of Turkey for 7 years now. The fact that many different needs in many different regions can be met through a single online system shows that Needs Map is applicable to other geographical contexts. Needs Map is very flexible in adapting to different geographies, as it does not need many human labor resources and a warehouse.

Their scalability plan is to be established in 3 EU and in 2 African countries to reach more opportunities thought their GIS platform, offering allocation perspective to problems and solutions with a map-based user interface where needs and supports are determined geographically. They bring transparency to the needs of those in need by allowing them to express their own needs, and enables supporters to support those in need in their neighborhood or anywhere else. It contributes to the increase of solidarity among people and the formation of a culture of trust.

The system proceeds with 3 components: Data Collection, Location-based web forms, Real-Time Visualization and Analysis. Needs Map details and visualizes data down to street names. It is easier for local governments to see the needs in their own field and act accordingly, for companies, by determining the needs provided on the platform, it is easier to implement social responsibility projects for the target audience throughout the country. Peer to peer transactions, reducing carbon emissions of social solidarity materials, easy scaling with local partners and contactless aid distribution can be added as features that make us unique among other institutions / organizations.

The three winners will be matched with experts from EBN, IHUB and EVPA that will offer them remote and in-person coaching and incubation services.


Better Incubation #6 Newsletter is out

The sixth issue of the Better Incubation Newsletter describes the upcoming opportunities :

  • Better Incubation Contest 2022 | Scaling Impact – deadline to apply is September 1st, 2022
  • Better Incubation Toolkit is out
  • Future activities and events
  • Focus on the upcoming Switch Pitch appointments

Find out more information about Better Incubation news by reading the newsletter here : Better Incubation Newsletter 6_August 2022

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