Better Incubation CoPs represent a unique opportunity to exchange practical knowledge on how to best support entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs from under- represented groups in Europe.
By engaging and working with peers, social actors, entrepreneurs from vulnerable groups and experts, European business support organisations (incubators and accelerators) research best practices and co-design new approaches in the field of social and inclusive entrepreneurship support.
The relevant past experiences - learnings, failures, good practices and achievements - in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship are collected from the incubators, while focusing on the specific target group.
A broad range of existing inclusive entrepreneurship programmes are monitored during the project’s implementation, with a particular attention to the resources and new initiatives included in the OECD/EC Better Entrepreneurship Tool. These serve as a piloting and testing experience to validate the learning inputs coming from the CoP itself.
A new approaches in the field of social and inclusive entrepreneurship support are piloted by offering dedicated support to 60 entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs across Europe.
The project explores the policy dimensions and capitalises on the participatory process developed by the CoPs: by building upon the evidence on the policy inputs and suggestions produced by the participants, for both the broader European ecosystem and the more specific local contexts.
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