Better Incubation is a project by LIAISE

The Better Incubation Switch Pitch Series starts in June!

Join our new Switch Pitch Series, where investors for impact will share insights on how they work with incubators and accelerators – and how this collaboration can be improved to better support impact driven businesses. The series is part of our Better Incubation Project.

The series will facilitate an informal conversation between a diverse range of investors for impact and business support organisations with regards to pipeline building. We will also discuss experiences and ideas on how to foster collaborations. The sessions will reflect different perspectives and country/regional contexts existing in Europe.

What can you expect?

  • different investment approaches applied by one or two EVPA members,
  • collaboration experience of social investors with incubators and accelerators
  • possibility to engage in discussion through an informal space, moderated by an EVPA team member.

Your ideas and insights will contribute to the Better Incubation Chart, a methodological guide for the mainstream business support organisations on how to better support impact driven businesses and connect with investors for impact.

When and what?

Date Timing Region Speakers EVPA Moderator Registration
30 June 2022 12.00-13.00 Benelux Jan Verkooijen, World Startup Martijn Blom Register here
5 July 2022 12.00-13.15 CEE Renata Brkic, Feels Good Capital & Elemér Eszter, Portus Buda Group Ewa Konczal Register here
11 July 2022 10:00-11:00 Europe Wingee Sampaio, Cartier Women’s Initiative Sara Seganti Register here
1 Sep 2022 12.00-13.15 Spain Oscar Ugarte Gamboa, Seed Capital Bizkaia
& Xavier Pont Martin, Ship2B
Arnau Picon Martinez Register here
8 Sep 2022 12.00-13.00 France Jean Michel Lecuyer, INCO Gianluca Gaggiotti Register here
27 Sep 2022 12.00-13.00 Europe Markus Freiburg, FASE Martijn Blom Register here

About the Organisations

  • Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund is designed to invest in Croatian and Slovenian ventures that have typical private equity/venture capital for-profit-aims like commercial business models, led by strong management teams and ready to scale, but in addition can and will deliver measurable social impact. Feelsgood is spotting and supporting businesses that can find a way to address, if they already have not, one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and make measurable impact a conscious sustainable strategy of their business models.
  • Portus Buda Group FMC is a venture capital fund management company in operation since 2011. Our primary goal is to profitably manage capital entrusted to us while furthering the excellent reputation of Hungary. Our majority owner – Portus Buda Group – created the firm to channel and share its accumulated expertise and sector knowledge. We target companies that – with their products and services – address underserved needs in a well-defined yet broad range of customer groups.
  • The Cartier Women’s Initiative is an annual international entrepreneurship program that aims to drive change by empowering women impact entrepreneurs. Founded in 2006, the program is open to women-run and women-owned businesses from any country and sector that aim to have a strong and sustainable social and/or environmental impact. Applications for the the 2023 edition are open! Join the Switch Pitch to discover more.
  • WorldStartup is a collective of international entrepreneurs, experts, mentors and investors, dedicated to help the best impact-driven startups and scaleups. WorldStartup supports purpose-driven innovators creating long-standing impactful ventures and promotes the Learning Circle ‘How to find the right impact investor’.
  • Seed Capital Bizkaia was founded in 1989 and for more than 30 years of working history it has been firmly committed to encouraging innovation, social impact and the promotion and regeneration of the business fabric in Bizkaia (Basque Country). The Entrepreneurship and Social Impact Fund (FEIS) was established in 2014 with the aim of supporting the promotion and consolidation of business initiatives with social impact. Social innovation initiatives are supported with investments of up to 600,000 euro.
  • INCO is a global organization that is building in 50 countries a new economy that is environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. INCO invests and supports innovative companies that are the future leaders of the economy. INCO provides training and support to those who wish to work in this new economy.
  • FASE has the vision to create a thriving ecosystem for social innovation by boosting impact finance across Europe. FASE is passionate about building bridges between outstanding social entrepreneurs and investors inspired by the idea to create a sustainable, positive impact. By helping their clients to raise capital in a highly professional way, we improve their chances to achieve impact at scale. So far, we have channelled more than 45 million EUR with 65+ successfully closed transactions to the sector. FASE also initiated the ESIIF and teamed up with avesco Financial Services and the European Investment Fund (EIF) to offer this new impact investing option for German semiprofessional and professional investors
  • Ship2B Foundation’s mission is to boost Impact Economy, an economic model in which the main purpose for startups, businesses, investors and organisations is not only to maximise profitability, but also to improve their social and environmental impact. At Ship2B we have the support of the European Commission to boost Impact Investment in Spain, a financing model based on investing in startup capital with the intention of generating and measuring economic, social and environmental impact. To do this, our team of analysts constantly studies impact startups from all over Spain to invest in through the different tools of the Foundation.

Webinar: Social Economy Action Plan – Opportunities for BSOs

Webinar hosted by EBN on the European Commission’s recently released Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP) on 19 May 2022.

Our key speakers was:

  • Guy Lejeune, Senior Expert on Inclusive Entrepreneurship from DG Employment, European Commission.
  • Karel Vanderpoorten, Policy officer –Proximity, Social Economy, Creative Industries from DG GROW, European Commission,


In its recently launched EU Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP)“Building an economy that works forpeople: an action plan for the socialeconomy“ (2021-2030), the European Commission has signalled an important role of the business support organisations (BSOs) in supporting the social economy organisations and social enterprises, while advising the EU Member States to encourage BSOs to better incorporate these entities in their business development services (p.14).The SEAP proposes 38 concrete measures to be implemented in the coming nine years, in different core areas, including :

  • promoting social economy at local, regional, and international levels,
  • business support,skills,youth entrepreneurship,
  • access to funding and finance,
  • social impact measurement,
  • social economy contribution to the green and digital transitions,
  • socialinnovation.

Webinar Objectives

Besides providing the summary of the key aspects of the SEAP, the Webinar “Social Economy Action Plan : Opportunities for BSOs” focused on how we can increase the impact of the BSOs in the implementation stage of the SEAP, looking at the following :

  • how to maximise the potential of the BSOs to translate some of the recommendations in the SEAP into practical initiatives on the local, national and EU level.
  • what are the existing and future synergies of the SEAP with other EU programmes/initiatives which will enable BSOs to foster social innovation, local development, and green and digital transition while reaching social impact.

During the session

During the session the speakers talked about the importance of the transition pathway on proximity and social economy referring to the Annual Signle Market Report 2021 presented an analysis of the challenges in 14 industrial ecosystems and the transformative initiatives to achieve the twin green and digital transition and increase resilience. They will also build on the social economy action plan, which proposes a series of actions for the period 2021-2030 to support the development of the social economy.

They also emphasised the different types of business companies present in the European Union, highlighting achievements such as entrepreneurship, social innovation policies, the Single Market Act, the Small Business Act, among others. In 2023 the European Cooperative Statute is expected to be adopted.

They gave relevance to the role of clusters and similar business forms that cooperate in fostering the development of the social economy, through the report that identifies the model of Clusters of Social and Ecologic Innovation (CSEI) and explores their presence across the European Union.

The European Social Economy Regions initiative (ESER) initiative was also discussed during the session. Launched in 2018, has become a powerful social economy community of practitioners across Europe, generating more than 100 new regional and local partnerships on social economy. Its key objectives are to raise awareness of social economies at the regional and local level and to build regional networks of social economy stakeholders.

The different forms of funding available to EU and non-EU citizens were also highlighted. Referring to microfinance, social enterprise finance and other relevant EU funding programs during 2021 – 2027 such as The European Social Fund Plus, Horizon Europe Projects, Enterprise Europe Network , Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs ans more.

Also important is the EU Funding Toolkit, an interactive EU funding guide, that provides detailed information on the relevant financial and non-financial support programmes made available to social enterprise support organisations by various public institutions and private organisations. It also showcases all novelties presented under the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, to make sure social enterprises and their support organisations are well aware of new EU Funding programmes and adaptations of already existing programmes

About Better Incubation

The seminar is organised as a part of the Better Incubation programme (2021 –2023) funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation, and is led by three network organisations: The European Business and Innovation Centre Network, Impact Hub and the European Venture Philanthropy Association.

The aim of Better Incubation is to strengthen the role of the business support organisations as catalysts of the entrepreneurial support ecosystem, while experimenting with the inclusive incubation practices to foster inclusive and social entrepreneurship across Europe. Read more here.

You can watch the session again here

Next Webinar

The next Better Incubation webinar related to Social economy funding instruments will take place towards the end of the year (December 2022). We will inform you about the date and details soon.

EBN 2022 Congress Panel on Innovation Community Growth : powered by the Better Incubation

This year we will welcome again over 200 participants from innovation community to debate, learn and explore challenges and opportunities demanded by transition of our societies towards 2030.

The Panel  ‘Innovation community growth – Unlikely innovators & untapped potential’ will address importance of diversity of perspectives needed to be in place to move towards a more inclusive and impact driven approach to innovative entrepreneurship. Powered by the Better Incubation project, the session will bring together speakers from different sectors to discuss how the ecosystemic change can be fostered to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment as means to create jobs and develop skills of vulnerable groups of the society.

Date: 25 May 2022, 10h05 – 10h45

Moderator: Dorijan MARSIC, Director – EU|BIC Sezana, Slovenia


  • Steven Serneels, Chairman of the Board – European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA),
  • Carole Thurston – Business Consultant, South East BIC, Ireland ,
  • Maud Garnier, Entrepreneur and Founder of the enterprise Ordestie , France

Main questions to be discussed :

  • Why should the mainstream intermediaries engage in the process of supporting social and inclusive incubation?
  • What are the synergies and challenges of different stakeholders in the process of development and strengthening of the impact driven innovative entrepreneurship and how they can be better engage in this process?
  • What are the tested best-practices how to encourage the BSOs to take on the leadership role in the transformation of the impact driven entrepreneurial ecosystem leading to the sustainable transition?
  • How to how adapt and modify business acceleration support services to help social and underrepresented entrepreneurs transform ideas into viable businesses and grow them by accessing new funding and market opportunities?

Check our Congress website to learn more about the event : 



Call for Design and Facilitation services : Better Incubation Bootcamp #2

Call for Design and Facilitation services : Better Incubation Bootcamp #2

 Impact Hub on behalf of the Better Incubation project consortium is looking for a contractor to design and deliver the 2nd Better Incubation Community of Practice  (CoP) Bootcamp.

The goal of the bootcamp is to:

  • Reconnect the CoP participants
  • Present conclusions from each CoP
  • Developing a set of policy recommendations

Location : home-based (preparation), plus 2 days in Prague, Czech Republic (delivery)

The duration of the consultancy : May-July 2022.

Deadline : 17th May 2022

Please consult ToR Call for facilitators Bootcamp #2 for details

For further information please contact Lucia Radu :

5.0 : Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Programme launched on 27 April, by IPN, Portugal

New Programme on Senior Entrepreneurs “5.0 : Entrepreneurship Capacity Building” Programme

Launched on 27 April, by IPN, Portugal


The member of the Better Incubation CoP for seniors : Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN)  is a business incubator based in Coimbra Portugal, having a wealth of experience with supporting the senior entrepreneurs.

In their previous project Empreendedorismo 5.0: supporting seniors entrepreneurship in Portugal,IPN has provided support to the seniors’ entrepreneurial endeavors through an eight-week entrepreneurship capacity-building training and mentoring programme delivered in a mixed format.

On 27 April, IPN in partnership with  Fundação Bissaya Barreto (FBB Foundation) launched a new initiative 5.0 Cinco Ponto Zero – Programa de Capacitação para o Empreendedorismo (Five point zero – entrepreneurship capacity building programme) which will benefit from the methodology of the Empreendedorismo 5.0 project.

The new project targets seniors (50 years plus) and intends to expose up to 50 participants who have a business idea and need to be skilled on how to start a business, to the capacity building programme. The programme consists of an online training course combined with specialized online mentoring and 2 presence sessions.

The data from the 5.0 Cinco Ponto Zero will be also included into the results of the inclusive pilots of the Better Incubation project,  thus testing, validating and enriching the lessons learned and measurement and monitoring framework of the Better Incubation project.

Interested in the Social Economy Action Plan? Join us for the Webinar on 19 May


‘Social Economy Action Plan : Opportunities for BSOs’


European Business Innovation Centre Network (EBN) on behalf of

 the Better Incubation programme  is hosting a webinar

on the European Commission’s recently released Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP)

on Thursday 19 May, 15:00 – 15:45 CET.

Our speakers will be:

  • Guy Lejeune, Senior Expert on Inclusive Entrepreneurship from DG Employment, European Commission.  
  • Karel Vanderpoorten, Policy officer – Proximity, Social Economy, Creative Industries from DG GROW, European Commission


Webinar Objectives:

 Besides providing the summary of the key aspects of the SEAP, the Webinar “Social Economy Action Plan : Opportunities for BSOs” will focus on how we can increase the impact of the BSOs in the implementation stage of the SEAP, looking at the following :

  • how to maximise the potential of the BSOs to translate some of the recommendations in the SEAP into practical initiatives on the local, national and EU level.
  • what are the existing and future synergies of the SEAP with other EU programmes/initiatives which will enable BSOs to foster social innovation, local development, and green and digital transition while reaching social impact.

There will be 15 minutes dedicated to Q&A from the audience.


This is a virtual event. Participants will be able to connect via Zoom, after receiving detailed instructions on how to connect and the link to the webinar

The webinar will be recorded.

Email for more information



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