Better Incubation is a project by LIAISE

Better Incubation at EVPA Impact Week | EU Policy Workshop & Project Finale

The European Action Plan “Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy” (2021-2030) launched by the European Commission recognises the importance that the mainstream BSOs have in the support of social economy entities (p.14) :

The Commission calls on Member States to encourage mainstream business incubators to extend their support to social economy entities, to improve business investment readiness support opportunities. The ‘Better Incubator’ pilot launched by the European Commission can serve as inspiration’ .

Better Incubation aims to enhance the inclusiveness of BSOs by stimulating a wider cultural change in the incubation ecosystem, therefore involving regional and EU stakeholders (investors, policymakers, social actors, BSOs) that can contribute to this paradigm shift. After 2 years of project activities, during the Better Incubation EU Policy Workshop EBN, Impact Hub and EVPA shares key learnings and recommendations on how to boost the promotion and support of impact-driven and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems in Europe and beyond. 

A group of 20 experts and policy makers will debate the recommendations emerged from the so called “Better Incubation Communities of Practice (CoPs)”, 5 thematic groups that for 1 year researched, tested, and debated inclusive incubation processes and practices. The result is a set of policy recommendations organized around the 6 dimensions of the Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool. In September/October 2022, these recommendations have been shared, validated, and enriched in 15 regional policy workshops held in 14 European countries. On December 2 nd , 2022, the EU Policy Workshop aims at presenting the key findings and policy recommendations of the Better Incubation Project to European policy makers, social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship experts, investors for impact and incubation practitioners to collect their feedback on how these results can contribute to the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan.

Moreover, in the framework of the EVPA Annual Conference, from 14.30 to 16.00, Better Incubation organises the session “Project Finale”. In a dynamic setting, we will hear policy makers, entrepreneurs, BSOs and investors debating the outcomes of Better Incubation project and share reflections on how different stakeholders can contribute to the cultural paradigm shift towards more inclusive, sustainable, innovative and impact driven European entrepreneurial ecosystems.

The session will be opened by Mrs. Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux | Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL. On this occasion, the winners of the Better Incubation Contest will share their stories and plans for the future, and the Better Incubation Roadmap will be officially launched and shared with participants.

The session will be live streamed on our social media channels! Discover more details here


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