Better Incubation is a project by LIAISE

Inclusive Entrepreneurship Deep Dives – Seniors

The deep dive workshop on seniors is a part of Inclusive Entrepreneurship Workshop series.

It will focus on senior entreprenuers (50+) as an underrepresented group in the entrepreneurship ecosystem.  The workshop will create a safe and supportive space to offer inspiration and guidance for business support organisations, based on actions and methodologies already successfully implemented on the ground across Europe, to support implementation of inclusive practice.

You will learn from subject matter experts, social entrepreneurs with lived experiences of the challenges being explored, and business support organisations leading the way in developing and delivering inclusive incubation services.



10:00 -10:05 Welcome and introductions

  • Introduction about the workshop + brief overview of the whole training programme and Better Incubation initiative
  • Overview of the agenda  of the workshop
Tom Johnson, IHUB

Concepción Ramos Vela, CEEI Zaragoza

Mona Moldovan, The CareHub


10:15-10:45 Learnings from the Community of Practice

  • Better Incubation for senior entrepreneurs – overview of work and learnings of the COP
  • Better Incubation for senior entrepreneurs – Pilot programme of IHUB Lisbon

Concepción Ramos Vela, CEEI Zaragoza

Luisa Rodrigues, IHUB Lisbon

10:45-11:00 Insight from the expert “The Rise of the Silver Economy “  

Dr. Isabel Gomes, Founder & CEO – NutVitae, Researcher


11:00 -11:10 Break
11:10 -11:45 Plenary  : Meet the entrepreneurs

  • 3 senior entrepreneurs share their entrepreneurial journey, challenges and future plans

Silvia Paula Pelham, Village Souvenir, Portugal

Silvia Oviaño, Caravan Proyectos de Cultura, Spain

Carmelo Heras, EUTORI, Spain

11:45-11:50 Reflection on learnings and commitments by participants  

Concepción Ramos Vela, CEEI Zaragoza

Mona Moldovan, The CareHub


11:50-12:00 Closing Remarks Tom Johnson, IHUB


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